The trial balance spreadsheet for corporation, S corporation, and partnership returns (Import > Trial Balance Import) contains buttons, such as "Other Cost Details," that do not work.
The trial balance template opens in MS Excel. The buttons you refer to rely on macros to work. Your Excel program must permit macros to run for the buttons to work.
In Excel 2019, 2016, 2010, and 2007, there are two ways to enable macros:
From the Developer tab in the Ribbon.
- If the Ribbon displays a Developer tab, go to step 2.
- The Ribbon is the bar at the top that displays tabs, such as Home, Insert and Page Layout.
- If the Developer tab is not displayed, click on the File tab, go to Options > Customize Ribbon. Under Customize the Ribbon and under Main Tabs, select the Developer check box.
- For Excel 2007, click the Microsoft Office Button (upper left corner, displaying the Office logo), click Excel Options, and then in the Popular category, under Top options for working with Excel, click Show Developer tab in the Ribbon and click OK. The Developer tab is displayed.
- Click the Developer tab. In the Code section, click Macro Security.
- To enable all macros until you reset this option, select Enable All Macros and click OK. Macros will be enabled until you return and select an option to disable them.
- To enable macros on a case-by-case basis, select Disable all macros with notification and click OK. When you open the trial balance template or another workbook containing macros, look for a Security Warning on the left below the Ribbon. To enable macros, select Options and Enable this content.
From the File Menu or Office Button.
- Click the File tab, and go Options. For Excel 2007, click the Office Button (upper left corner, displaying the Office logo).
- On the left side menu, select Trust Center and on the right side panel click the Trust Center Settings button. In the left side menu, click Macro Settings. Select
- Enable All Macros, macros remain enabled until you change this setting, or
- Disable all macros with notification, if you prefer to enable them on a case-by-case basis using the Security Warning Option on the left below the Ribbon, which appears when you open a workbook.
- Click OK twice to save and exit from the settings display.
More information is available from Microsoft – Change macro security settings in Excel