Reviewing Tax Software Updates

How can I tell what update files have been installed and what they are for?

Each software update includes an explanatory release note that is available for review after the update is installed. You can review them at Tools > Update Manager or Reports > Report Viewer or on the Drake Software Support website.

Update numbers may not start with #1. Software installed from the Drake Download Center is updated to near the date of the installation, so most updates issued prior to the installation are already incorporated in the software. For example, if you installed a state program from the internet, the sequence of update numbers for that state begins with updates released near and subsequent to the installation date.

Update Manager

  • Go to Tools > Update Manager.
  • Click one of the tabs for a list of release notes for that software package.
  • The Released column displays the date an update was available for download and installation. 
  • In the list, double-click a release note to review it.
  • If needed, you can print or export the note. 

Report Viewer

  • Go to Reports > Report Viewer.
  • Click the Release Notes tab.
  • All release notes are displayed and you can sort the list by clicking a column header.
  • The Date column displays the date an update was available for download and installation.
  • In the list, double-click a release note to review it.
  • The Report Description column shows to which package or state the update applies. Some updates are program-wide updates that may affect various aspects of the software-- details are available in the update note text. 

Support Website

  • Log in to the Support Website.
  • Navigate to Support > Documents > Release Notes tab.
  • Choose the software year and update category.
  • Select the note hyperlink to view detailed information.