Centralized Authorization File (CAF) Number

What is a CAF number and how do I enter it in Drake Tax?


CAF Number stands for Centralized Authorization File Number. This number is used for third party authorization with the IRS on forms 2848 and 8821. A preparer CAF Number data entry field is available at Setup > Preparer(s), in the Power of Attorney Information area of the preparer's setup screen. 

The IRS further explains:

"A CAF number is a unique nine-digit identification number and is assigned the first time you file a third party authorization with IRS. A letter is sent to you informing you of your assigned CAF number. Use your assigned CAF number on all future authorizations.

CAF numbers are different from the third party's TIN (Taxpayer Identification Number), EIN (Employer Identification Number) or PTIN (Preparer Identification Number). CAF numbers may be assigned to an individual or a business entity.

If you are a tax professional and cannot remember your CAF number, you may call the Practitioner Priority Service
otherwise known as PPS. PPS may be reached at (866) 860-4259. Once you provide your authenticating information, they can verbally give it to you over the phone. If PPS is unable to authenticate you as the owner of the CAF number then PPS will mail the number to the CAF address of record."