PA - RCT101 Revenue ID

Can I leave the Account ID blank on PA Screen 101 for e-filing?

An Account ID number on PA screen 101 is required for both paper filing and e-filing the PA RCT-101, PA Corporate Tax Report.

PA requires the Account ID for paper filing, but because the software can either e-file or print the return for paper filing, that requirement affects the field for e-filing too.

If the Account ID is left blank, the software uses the State ID number from screen 2, State General Information. If both fields are blank, EF Message 2029 is produced: If there is no State ID number, then enter 10 zeros 0000000000 on the PA 101 screen.

PA RCT-101I- Inactive Return

The Revenue ID for the PA RCT-101-I, page 2, step 1, line 3 is entered by using the Account ID field on the SCHX screen. The SCHX Schedule X screen is located on the right side of the RCT-101 tab in a corporate return. The Name and SSN/EIN can also be entered as applicable.