MN - Correcting a MN Tax ID Business Return Reject

How do I correct a business return reject that involves a problem with a business entity’s MN state tax ID?

You are probably seeing one of these rejects:

Rule ID Return Type Field Name Error Message Rule/Validation
53 Partner
StateEIN A 7 digit MN tax ID is required. 7-digit numeric StateEIN [016] is required.
266 Partner
StateEIN MN Tax ID is required and must match Department of Revenue Records. StateEIN [016] is required and must match MN ID in Profile System.
626 S-Corp
MinnesotaTaxID If Subsidiary MN Tax ID present then value must match Department of Revenue records. If value present, MinnesotaTaxID [133] must match MN ID in Profile System.
637 S-Corp
MinnesotaTaxID The Subsidiary MN Tax ID submitted must match MN Department of Revenue records and be active. If value present, then MinnesotaTaxID [133] must be valid active MN ID per Profile System
683 Partner
StateEIN Minnesota Tax ID must be registered under the correct Federal EmployerIdentification Number (FEIN). StateEIN [016] must belong to the correct EIN [017] and must match Department of Revenue Records. If you believe you have the StateEIN and EIN. To correct, please call Business Registration (651) 282-5225.
684 Partner
StateEIN Minnesota Tax ID must be registered under the correct tax type. To change or correct your tax type please call (651) 282-5225. StateEIN [016] must belong to the correct ReturnType [089] and match Department of Revenue Records. To change or correct your tax type please call Business Registration (651) 282-5225.

Each business entity filing a Minnesota tax return must register and obtained a unique MN Tax ID prior to filing a MN tax return. Registration is an annual requirement and the registration must accurately describe the entity. To correct one of these rejects, first confirm that the entity has a Tax ID and that it is correctly entered at the top of the MN General Information screen.

  1. If the entity does not have a Tax ID, it must register to obtain one.  To register
    1. Go to and select Begin the Registration Process.
    2. Or call (651) 282-5225 ext 3 (new registration)
  2. If the entity has a Tax ID number that is correctly entered, it must correct its previous registration for the facts referenced in the reject. To correct a previous registration, call MN Business Registration at (651) 282-5225.