Where do I enter the taxpayer’s identification for a bank product?
Screen IDS has been added to the 1040 package. Accessible from the Data Entry Menu on the General tab or by entering IDS in the selector field and pressing Enter, the IDS screen has fields and drop lists for recording such forms of identification as driver’s license, military ID, and passport, for both the taxpayer and spouse. Select the appropriate ID type from the drop list for either Taxpayer/Spouse's Driver's License or Other State-Issued Photo ID or Taxpayer/Spouse's Other Identification.
There are two checkboxes that are included on the IDS screen for IRS and state purposes (see Related Links below), however, no bank product will be allowed if either of these boxes is marked:
- Taxpayer/spouse does not have a driver's license or a state-issued photo ID.
- Taxpayer/spouse did not provide a driver's license or state-issued photo ID.
Note: If you do not have a bank set up under Setup > Firms, you will not see anything in the Type drop list under Taxpayer's Other Identification since you will not be offering bank products to your clients. Different bank partners may allow different ID types.
When entering the Issue Date or Expiration Date, you can enter either a 6-digit date (MMDDYY) or 8-digit date (MMDDYYYY) and the software will default the year to 20YY instead of 19YY.
Note: If entering a 6-digit date, any 2-digit year entry (YY) from '30 forward will default to 19YY instead of 20YY. For expiration dates from 2030 on, you will need to enter the full 8-digit date (MMDDYYYY) in the Expiration Date box, otherwise an entry of 010130 will show as 01-01 1930 instead of 01-01-2030.