Don’t Take the Bait, Be Aware of Phishing Emails

I received an email that appears to be from Drake Software, but I was not expecting it. What should I do? 


You should never click on an email or any links in an email that you are not expecting. Always verify the source and legitimacy of an email before opening it or clicking on any links. Phishing schemes may appear to be sent from a Drake Software email address or non-Drake address, and typically ask that the recipient reply with personal details or click on links.

Drake Software will never request that you provide personal information through email. Delete the email immediately and do not click any links or reply.

Some items that may indicate that an email is not legitimate are as follows:

  • The blue hyperlink displays a non-Drake website when you hover over it (do not click).
  • The email contains grammar and spelling errors. 
  • The email is from a fake email address that is only slightly altered from a legitimate email address. 

If you think you may have fallen victim to a phishing scheme, or clicked on any of the links in the phishing email that you referenced, please contact Drake Software to secure your account at (866) 369-9308.

If you have a question or concern about an email you received, please feel free to contact us at (828) 524-8020.