MD - EF Message 0036

How do I clear Maryland EF Message 0036?


MD EF Message 0036 states:

Each MD510K1 requires a PTE name, EIN, address, member number, and an ownership percentage. Please enter these fields on the appropriate MDK1 screen.

The most common reasons for this EF message are a missing member number and/or ownership percentage.

  • The member number can be entered on the States tab > MD > Other tab > MDK1 screen.

  • The ownership percentage can be entered on the federal K1 screen in the For State Use Only section on the second tab of data entry (1065 K1 12-20 tab, 1120S K1 11-17 tab). 

Note: This information must be keyed for each federal 1120S/1065 K1 that flows to MD from the federal return.