Drake Accounting®: Utah 33H and 33HA Wage Report can be paper-filed or e-filed in DAS.
For filing to the Utah Department of Workforce Services (UDWS), DAS can produce:
- For paper-filing in PDF format, the Utah Form #33H, Employer Quarterly Wage List and Contribution Report, and Form #33HA, Utah Employer Quarterly Wage List Continuation Sheet.
- For e-filing, a .txt file for upload to the Utah Department of Workforce Services website.
See Related Links for required setup before creating the state wage form.
To prepare the report:
- Select the Employees or On the Fly menu, then select State Tax & Wage Forms.
- Make sure UT is selected, then select 33H 33HA from the Forms droplist.
- Review the form and make any necessary entries or edits.
- Make sure the e-file checkbox is marked (if e-filing), then select Save/Print.
Save/Print creates the PDF copy of the form and the .txt file for upload if e-file was selected.
To e-file:
- Log in to the UDWS Unemployment Insurance and New Hire Reporting website.
- Follow the menu options to upload the file.
- The upload file can be found by browsing to the drive where DAS is installed >DrakeAccounting20YY > DAS20YYData (beginning in DAS2021) > Clients > client code > EFile > UT > UT33H33HA and selecting the file named UT33H33HA_YYYY-MM-DD_HR_MIN_SEC.txt (where YYYY_YYYY-MM-DD_HR_MIN_SEC is the date and time of file creation).
For more information about e-filing Utah wage reports, see the UDWS FAQs.