2021.07.28 - Drake20 Updates

2021.07.28 - Drake20 Updates


Maryland Update 33

  • Individual Package:
    • Charitable contributions entered on federal screen A now flow, as expected, to line 16, "Total adjustments to income from federal return," of Form 505, Nonresident Income Tax Return. Prior to this update, out-of-state contributions were being recorded as Maryland contributions.
  • Corporation Package:
    • An update resolves MD500 reject: "FORM500-01341-010; Line 8c Total Subtractions; Must be equal to the sum of Lines 8a, 8b, and 8b.1."
  • S Corporation and Partnership Packages:
    • The number of "other" entities, for line 1d of Form 510, Pass-Through Entity Income Tax Return, will now be calculated correctly.

Maine Update 26

  • Individual Package:
    • When federal Form 1040NR, U.S. Nonresident Alien Income Tax Return, is present, the program now applies itemized deductions in calculating line 17, "Deduction," of Form 1040ME, Maine Individual Income Tax, as expected, unless the "Student/Apprentice from India" check box is marked on federal screen NR.

New Jersey Update 19

  • Individual Package:
    • NJ EF Message 1020 will be produced unless the current date for direct debit is entered on federal screen PMT. Prior to this update, a blank EF Message could be produced.

Oklahoma Update 20

  • Individual Package:
    • The Calculation Results window no longer crashes when "Nonresident" or "Part-Year" is selected for either the taxpayer or spouse in the "511NR Only - Residency Overrides" section of OK screen 511 and "OK" is selected as the "Resident state" on federal screen 1.