2021.08.18 - Drake20 Updates

2021.08.18 - Drake20 Updates


New Jersey Update 20

  • S Corporation and Partnership Packages:
    • An update corrects an issue with NJ e-filed returns with a balance due. Prior to this update, if an NJPTE return was filed with a direct debit, the account information was not included in the e-file transmission and no payments was withdrawn. If an NJPTE return was transmitted with direct debit information prior to this update, you must log on to the NJ Portal at https://www.state.nj.us/treasury/taxation/pteforms.shtml to make any necessary payments.

Oklahoma Update 21

  • Individual Package:
    • Reject 511-031, requiring line 36 of Form 511, Oklahoma Resident Income Tax Return, to be "0" (zero) on an amended return, has been resolved.
    • EF Message 0191 is no longer generated if an address is entered on line 1 of Form 561, Oklahoma Capital Gain Deduction.
  • Fiduciary Package:
    • An EF Message prevents reject R0000-012 when the ending tax year on Form 513, Oklahoma Resident Fiduciary Return of Income, is not valid.