2022.04.12 - Drake21 Updates

2022.04.12 - Drake21 Updates


Arkansas Update 21

  • Individual Package:
    • Form AR3903, Moving Expenses, will now be generated, regardless  of distance test results, when the taxpayer is marked as active  military on federal screen 3903, preventing reject "IIT2021-0036."

Hawaii Update 10

  • Fiduciary Package:
    • Obsolete EF Message 0600 has been removed.
  • Partnership Package:
    • An update prevents reject "HIN20-002" when no HI values are present on HI Schedule D-1, Sales of Business Property.
  • Individual Package:
    • An EF Message is now generated when an amount is present on line 35, "Total credit Applied," or 36, "Unused Credit to Carryover," of Form N-323, Carryover of Tax Credits, adhering to prevent reject "HICR-008."
    • Return Note 24 is now generated when withholding for Form N-4, Statement of Withholding for a Nonresident Shareholder of an
    • S Corporation, is entered for a HI resident, preventing reject "HIN11-056." These N-4 amounts will no longer be factored into the return's calculation.

Massachusetts Update 19

  • Individual Package:
    • When the "On the 2022 vouchers, print ONLY the person indicated in 'TSJ' box" check box is marked on federal screen ES, only the information of the person selected will be printed on the Massachusetts Estimated Payment Vouchers.
    • Military or government pension income will no long be included twice on line 5, "Pensions/annuities/IRA/Keogh distributions not taxed on your Massachusetts return," of Schedule CB, Circuit Breaker Credit.
    • The state "Requested Payment Date" override on federal screen PMT now works as expected for MA returns.
    • EF Message 0367 is now generated when a credit has been selected on MA screen CMS2, and no other entry is made, preventing reject SCH-CMS-EDIP-10.
    • A negative number can no longer be entered on line 5 of MA screen CB, preventing reject F1-0217.
  • Fiduciary Package:
    • An update resolves reject DRKPARSE on element TtlIncomPrYr. 
    • The correct amount is now calculated for line 34, "Long-term lossesapplied against interest and dividends," of the worksheet for MA Schedule B, preventing reject F2-048.
  • S Corporation Package:
    • Line 15, "Tangible property percentage," of MA Schedule B, is now capped at 9.999999, allowing e-file.
  • Tax-Exempt Package:
    • The expected information now flows to the signature page (page 7) of Form PC, Annual Charities Filings.
  • S Corporation, Partnership, and Fiduciary Packages:
    • Form 63D-ELT, Entity Level Tax, can now be selected in the EF Selector.