Group Security is available to the Admin and any preparer that is part of the Administrator Group. If you have the necessary permissions, go to Setup > Preparer(s) to gain access to the Group Security feature.


The "Group Security" dialog is comprised of three sections:

    • Group Listing – This section displays a Group ID and Description for all existing groups. Use this section to view or select an existing security group. Click the column headers to sort the listing in an ascending/descending order.
    • Security Group General Information – When adding or editing a security group, the fields in this section are enabled.
    • A tabbed section with options of Security Settings and Assign Preparers – Select the associated tab in order to: 1) apply security settings to the group, or 2) assign preparers to the group.



A preparer can be assigned to only one security setting or group. If a selected preparer is already a member of a group and you assign them to a new or different group, they are removed from their current group and added to the new assignment.

Add a Security Group


The software is shipped with three default groups. Admin, FULL, and Front Office. If you bring over preparer information from prior-year software and there are preparers with these assignments, they are automatically added to the groups.

    1. Click Add Group.
    2. Enter a unique Group ID. This field must be at least 1 and not greater than twelve characters in length.
    3. Enter a group Description. This field allows up to seventy alpha/numeric characters, and should summarize the group clearly. This field is required and cannot be left blank.
    4. Select Security Settings for the group.
    5. Click Check All to select all options in every category. Checked items will allow assigned preparers access to the associated item.
    6. Click Assign Preparers if you want to assign existing preparers to the group at this time.
    7. Click Save to save the changes to the group.



You do not have to assign preparers during the creation of the group. This can be done at any time by returning to "Group Security" dialog, or via the Setup > Preparer(s) > Security settings. Only the Admin or a member of the administrative group is able to assign preparers to groups.

Edit a Security Group

    1. Select a group from the list and click Edit Group, or double-click a group from the list.
    2. Make the needed changes to the group information; Group ID, Group Description, Security Settings, or Assign Preparers.
    3. Click Save to save the changes to the group.

Delete a Security Group

    1. Select an empty group from the list and click Delete Group.
    2. The application prompts you to confirm the group’s deletion request.
    3. Click Yes to continue the delete action or No to return to the "Group Security" dialog.

Important: You cannot delete a group with preparers still assigned. Reassign or remove the preparers from the group and initiate the delete action. Removing preparers from the group leaves them without security. Reset their security, either through the group security or by manually editing each preparer individually.

Print Security Group Listings

On the main "Group Security" dialog, there is a toolbar option Print. This action initiates two reports to run consecutively.

1–Group Security

The first report presented is the Group Security report. The report provides a listing of group security settings for each existing group. The groups are in order of creation, default groups appearing first: Admin, Front Office, and Full. The report is presented using the Report Viewer and allows options for printing and exporting the report. If you do not want to print or export the report, click Exit to close the Group Security and continue on to the Group Preparers.


2–Group Preparers

The second report presented is the Group Preparers report. This report provides a listing of all groups and their assigned preparers. Once again this report is presented using the Report Viewer and allows options for printing and exporting the report. If you do not want to print or export the report, click Exit to close the Group Preparers report and return to the "Group" Security main dialog.