The Report Editor is initiated when a report is created or edited. The Report Editor is a two-dialog process allowing great flexibility in the report output and layout. To access this option, go to Reports > Report Manager and choose either New Report or Edit Report.

Report Editor – Step 1 of 2

Select Title and Description

This section of the editor requires you to enter, or allows you to edit the Report Title and Report Description.  The Report Title is a required field and cannot be blank.

Select Report Columns

This section of the editor allows you to select report columns. In order for your report to have data, you must select columns.  You cannot exceed twenty-five report columns.  As you add columns, the report orientation may change from Portrait to Landscape.  When you have created a report with a column count greater than 10 and less then twenty-five, the application displays "‘Potentially too wide" within the Report Sample window.

    • Categories – The selected category determines the Available Columns items.
    • Available Columns – Double-click an item to add it to Selected Report Columns, or highlight the item and click Select. To remove report columns, double-click the column name.  To remove all report columns, click Unselect All. To change the column order, drag and drop items to the desired location within Selected Report Columns.


As you add and remove columns to your report, the Sample Report changes to display your selections.

Report Editor – Step 2  of 2

Filter Selection 

    • Select a Report Filter – Select an item from the provided drop list.
    • Filter Description – Displays the description of the selected report filter. This field is read-only and cannot be edited.
    • Edit Filters – Allows you to modify the selected filter in Filter Manager.


Additional Report Options

    • Sort/Summarize report by this field – Select an item from the provided drop list.
    • Summarize the Report Data – Data is summed on the item selected in the Sort/Summarize report by this field. This provides a count of like items or a total for currency and numeric items, and can be useful in the management and marketing of the tax preparer's business.



Report amounts are rounded to the nearest dollar amount regardless of the Setup > Option settings.