At the top of the Client Status Manager window is a toolbar. Place the pointer above a button to view a tooltip. The keyboard shortcut for the button is displayed in the tooltip.

    • Open (CTRL+O) – Opens data entry for a selected client.
    • Search (CTRL+F) – Enter the SSN/EIN or client name to find within the list. This is a good way to jump to a file when the file you are looking for is known.
    • Customize (CTRL+D) – Opens a "Customize Display" dialog box used to customize the list display.
    • Refresh (F5) – Updates the view of the display.
    • Filters (CTRL+L) – Select a filter from the list to determine which types of files to display in the CSM list.
    • Quick View (CTRL+Q) – Opens a Client Quick View window summarizing the CSM data for a selected record.
    • Reports (CTRL+R) – Opens the "CSM Reports" dialog box from which pre-defined reports can be generated.
    • Export to Excel (CTRL+E) – Exports the current view to a Microsoft Excel file. The computer on which the software is running must have Microsoft Excel installed.
    • Help (F1) – Opens the help topic for CSM.
    • Exit (ESC) – Closes the CSM.

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