Click Customize or right-click anywhere in the Data List and choose Customize Display from the drop menu. A Customize Display window opens.  The window contains three columns of data fields: Column Layout, Status Settings, and Sort Options.


Column Layout

This tab allows you to change the information displayed in your view of the CSM.

    1. Select or remove columns from the display as needed.
    2. You can change the order of the columns by dragging and dropping the column up or down in the Columns in the Current View list.
    3. When changes are done, click OK to save your new view.
    4. To return to the shipped default values, click Restore Default.


Status Settings

    1. Click Customize or right-click anywhere in the Data List and choose Customize Display from the drop menu. A Customize Display window opens. The window contains two tabs; Column Layout and Status Settings.
    2. Select Status Settings tab.
    3. There are ten status descriptions. The first five represent the most often requested status. You may edit any description to better suit your business needs, simply by selecting the item and clicking Edit.
    4. When changes are done, click OK to save the statuses.
    5. To return to the shipped default statuses, click Reset.


Sort Options

This tab allows you three levels for sorting.

    1. Select the first Sort by Column and Sort Order.
    2. Continue to add levels two and three as needed.
    3. When changes are done, click OK to save you new sort preferences.
    4. To return to the shipped values, click Restore Default.


Filtering the CSM Data List

To apply a filter to the CSM Data List, use the Filters button. The "Filters" dialog displays a drop list with the different types of filters that can be applied to the data list.

There are four sections of filters, and one filter can be selected out of each section at a time.

    • Section 1 – Preparers
      • All Preparers – Select this filter to show all returns regardless of the return preparer.
      • Current Preparer – Select this filter to show only returns prepared by the currently logged-in preparer.
    • Section 2 – Status (Based on the return status set in data entry)
      • All Status Types
      • Work In Progress
      • Completed Returns
      • EF not Sent
      • EF Pending
      • EF Accepted
      • EF Rejected
      • Missing Files
    • Section 3 – Return Type
      • All Return Types
      • All Business Returns
      • Individual (1040)
      • Corporate (1120)
      • Sub-S (1120S)
      • Partnership (1065)
      • Fiduciary (1041)
      • Estate Tax (706)
      • Tax Exempt (990)
    • Section 4 – Hiding Returns
      • Hide Inactive Returns
      • Hide Completed Returns
      • Display Deleted Records

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