MFA provides additional log-in security by requiring a one-time code generated in an authenticator app on a mobile device each time a preparer logs in.

Enable and Disable MFA

Any user with Admin rights may change a preparer's account to require MFA.

    1. From the homepage of Drake, select Setup > Preparer(s).
    2. Double-click on the preparer or select the preparer and click Edit Preparer.
    3. In the Login Information section of the Preparer Setup, select the checkbox to the right of Enable Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA).
    4. A confirmation dialog will ask if you would like to enable MFA.
    5. Click Yes to enable or No to return to the Preparer Setup screen without making changes.
    6. If Yes is selected, a dialog confirms that MFA is enabled for this preparer and they will complete MFA setup the next time they log in.
    7. Click OK.

Any user with Admin rights may change a preparer's account to no longer require MFA.

    1. From the homepage of Drake, select Setup > Preparer(s).
    2. Double-click on the preparer or select the preparer and click Edit Preparer.
    3. In the Login Information section of the Preparer Setup, deselect the checkbox to the right of Enable Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA).
    4. A confirmation dialog will ask if you would like to disable MFA.
    5. Click Yes to disable or No to return to the Preparer Setup screen without making changes.
    6. If Yes is selected a dialog confirms that MFA is disabled for this preparer.
    7. Click OK.

Log In with MFA

The preparer may use any authenticator app on their mobile device (e.g. Google Authenticator, Authy, Duo Mobile, etc.).

    1. When the preparer logs in for the first time, they will see a dialog box displaying a QR code and instructions on setting up their MFA.
    2. To set up their MFA, preparers will scan the QR code with the authenticator app, then enter the code generated by the authenticator app.
    3. Each time a preparer logs into the software after setting up their MFA, a current code (generated by the authenticator app) is required.


• The code needs to be entered within 30 seconds or the code will expire.

• If the code expires, a new code will automatically be generated by the authenticator app.

• If the incorrect code is entered, an error dialog box will appear.

• If the correct code is entered, but the error dialog box appears, there may be a difference between the time on the mobile device and the time on the computer.