SecureFilePro provides access to the SecureFilePro functions through the four SFP tabs:

    • Files Tab
    • Connect Tab
    • Messenger Tab
    • Signatures Tab

Files Tab

SFP  provides the secure transfer of files and information between you and your clients including:

    • Drag and drop file transfer from Drake Documents to clients
    • Drag and drop file transfer from clients to Drake Documents
    • Direct transfer of images of documents captured on the clients' mobile devices

Connect Tab

From the Connect tab of SFP, you can:

    • Upload client information through Client Profile
      • The client can then update their demographic information and you can import that information into their return
    • Collect client information thorough Questionnaires
      • Questionnaires include Heath Care Coverage, Due Diligence, Education Credits and Deductions, EIC, CTC, AOTC, and more
    • View the status of eSignatures through Signatures
      • If eSignature events have been purchased and used, the status of clients’ signatures can be checked
    • Bill a client through Payment 
      • If partnered with e-Pay, invoices can be sent to clients and the status of payments checked

Messenger Tab

SFP provides an integrated messenger function so that you can communicate with your client without leaving Drake Documents.

From the Messenger tab of SFP, you can:

    • Exchange messages with your client
    • Export a transcript of your conversations

Signatures Tab

Drake eSignature is integrated into SFP and allows your 1040 clients to review and sign tax documents on their mobile devices or computers.

To use SFP eSign:

    • First, purchase eSignature events
    • Second, sign with eSignature events

When using SFP eSign, remember:

    • The SFP eSign process is different than using a Signature Pad to e-sign documents in your office
    • The SFP eSign process requires the purchase of eSignature events
    • Documents can only be signed via SFP if enough signature events have been purchased and are available


The ePay and Signature features require additional fees.