Pay Per Return (PPR) is used for purchasing and showing PPR Bank statuses. When you choose to reduce the count of your remaining PPRs, the return is considered redeemed.

Go to Setup > Pay Per Return.



You can view and update paid-for returns and view unpaid-for returns in read only mode without an Internet connection.

• The program does not allow any tax returns, other than test returns to be prepared before PPR Setup is activated.

ERO and Firm Setup must both be completed before PPRs can be activated.


If the computer is connected to the Internet, the PPR bank information is displayed detailing PPR information for the account number entered on the Setup > ERO information screen.

Account (#) Summary

Replace (#) with the account number entered on the Setup > ERO screen.

    • Total Returns Purchased – This number includes all returns purchased throughout the current tax season.
    • Total Returns Redeemed – This number includes the total number of returns used throughout the current tax season.
    • Total Returns Remaining – This number is the number of returns available for use.

PPR to a Full Package

In addition, the PPR bank information provides an at-a-glance summary of what is needed to upgrade your PPR to a Full Package. As you purchase returns, the program calculates the needed remaining returns to purchase, their per item cost, the sales tax needed, and the total cost needed to upgrade.

    • Total Returns to Purchase – Represents the number of returns needed to purchase in order to flip from PPR to an Unlimited version of the software.
    • Cost – Represents the current cost of PPR returns times the number of total returns to purchase.
    • Sales Tax – Represents the cost times the state sales tax. Sales tax is determined by the ZIP Code on file for the EFINs physical location.
    • Total Cost – Represents the sum of cost and sales tax.

Purchase Returns

    1. Complete this section with the appropriate information. All fields are required and must match what is on record with the issuing credit card entity:  Credit Card Number, Expiration Date, First and Last Name (as it appears on the card), CVV Code (three-digit security code on the back of the card), Address, ZIP Code.
    2. Enter the Number of Returns to Purchase.
    3. Once all of the information has been entered and has been verified, click Purchase to process the request.
    4. If the process is successful, "Purchase Success!" is displayed, and the Total Returns Purchased label is updated to show the new number of returns.