Once a filing structure has been established, you can begin adding files. Drake Documents supports many file types and allows you to import or scan files into your configured structure. Once added to a folder, files are listed in the right pane of the Working Cabinet window.

Files can be added to the Working Cabinet from the toolbar or through the menu bar option, Documents.


Archiving Documents

See Archiving Documents.

Printing Returns

When you print a completed tax form or return in Drake, you have the option of also saving an electronic copy of the form or return in the Working Cabinet, and sending it to the SecureFilePro Portal.


E-mailing a File

You can email files to others using the email option found on the toolbar.

    1. Select the file or files you want to send to the client.
    2. Click Email. The selected email composition dialog is opened and the selected file(s) are in the Attached section.
    3. Complete the needed information and click Send.

Importing a File

You can import a PDF copy or scanned image from another application or program located elsewhere in your computer or network into the client’s folder. To import a file into the Working Cabinet:

    1. Select the folder where the document is stored.
    2. From the toolbar, click Import to open the "Import File" dialog box.
    3. Browse to and select the desired document.
    4. Click Open. Drake Documents copies the document into the selected folder.

Merging PDF's

    1. In Tools > Drake Documents select two PDF files, hold down CTRL when choosing the documents.
    2. Right-click, and click Merge Files. The files merge without notice.