The Archive Manager allows the user to Restore, Archive, Delete or Print archived returns. Access this option by selecting Documents > Archive Manager from a return’s Enhanced View/Print window or Archive > Archive Manager from a return's Basic View/Print window.

Create an Archive

    1. Within the Archive Manager, click Archive.
    2. The Archive Client Return dialog opens.
    3. Enter an archive description and click OK.
    4. The application advises the Archive Created Successfully.

Restore an Archive

    1. Within the Archive Manager, select a file, and click Restore.
    2. The application prompts you to backup or archive the existing client before replacing the client file(s) with the archived data.
    3. When ready, click OK to continue the Archive process.
    4. The application advises that the Archive Restored Successfully.

Delete an Archive

WARNING: Deleting an archive is permanent and cannot be undone.

    1. Within the Archive Manager, select an archive description, and click DELETE.
    2. The application presents a warning message and prompts you for a deletion confirmation.
    3. If you are ready to permanently remove the selected file, click Yes.


Click Print to get a list of all archive files available for the client.