Use Install State Programs to install or repair state program files. This is done by accessing the Internet, latest CD-ROM, or any drive location having the needed program files.  


Access this option by selecting Tools > Install State Programs from the toolbar menu items. The Install State Programs dialog opens.


If the current state program file(s) are dated later than the selected install state program file(s), the file(s) are not replaced. If you need to overwrite the current state files, see Repair State Program File(s) below.

IMPORTANT: For networked offices sharing information, all users must close out of the Drake Tax Program before beginning the Install State Programs process.

Installing State Program Files

    1. Go to Tools > Install State Programs. The dialog opens.
    2. Choose a location, select from a Drive or the Drake Download Center for states available on the Internet. If the location you selected has the needed state files, they display in States Available window.  
    1. Choose state(s) to be installed.
    2. Click Install to begin the installation process. The progress bar identifies the state(s) being retrieved and then installed. 


• It is recommended that you check for updates after installing state programs. This ensures that you have the most up-to-date information.

• If the States Available window remains empty, select another location. 


Repairing State Program Files

WARNING: Perform this process only under the direction of Drake Support. 

    1. Go to Tools > Install State Programs. The dialog opens.
    2. Press F2; the Enter Repair Code dialog displays.
    3. Enter in the repair code, given to you by Drake Support, and click OK. The application prompts for a confirmation.
    4. Click OK to continue the Repair Install; you are returned to the Install State Programs dialog in the STATE REPAIR INSTALL MODE.
    5. Choose a location; select from a local Drive or the Internet. If the location you selected has the needed state file(s), they display in States Available window.
    6. Choose the state(s) to be repaired.
    7. Click Install to begin the repair process. The progress bar identifies the state(s) being retrieved and then installed.
    8. On the software home screen, click Tools, then Install Updates.


If the States Available window remains empty, select another location.