Refund Advantage - EF Message 6060

I am receiving EF Message 6060 in regards to a Refund Advantage (RA) bank product screen and the DD screen. How do I clear this? 

Both an RA bank product screen with a direct deposit request and a DD screen cannot be completed at the same time in the same return for a federal refund.

You can have a bank product screen for the federal refund and use the DD screen to directly deposit the state refund (if you are not using a bank product for the state refund).

To accomplish this, on the federal DD screen select No for the Federal selection and select the state as needed from the State/city selection drop list.

Most of our bank partners support a "state-only" bank product; see Related Links for details. 

Note: Other bank partners may have similar messages, such as:
- TPG (Tax Products Group), message 5056
- RCB (River City Bank), message 5739
- RF (Refundo), message 6129
- EPS (EPS Financial), message 5762