Drake Software blog for tax pros, covering tax, IRS news, and more

Drake Software Blog Team

The Drake Software Blog Team is proud to cover the latest in tax-industry-related news, from tax law and IRS updates to technology and business strategies. If you have questions about an article or just want to reach out to our staff, email comments@taxingsubjects.com.

IRS Disaster Relief

IRS Disaster Relief

The IRS issues relief packages to areas that recently experienced natural disasters or events designated as disasters by the United States government. This blog post provides extension details and provides information on IRS legislature about filing tax returns in the wake of extreme weather or disaster incidents. Bookmark this post for updates!…

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Staying Ahead of the Tax Preparation Competition

Staying Ahead of the Tax Preparation Competition

In the highly competitive tax preparation industry, staying ahead of the curve is not just about keeping up with the latest tax laws and software. It requires a nuanced understanding of client needs and preferences. By leveraging this understanding, tax preparers can adapt their strategies, differentiate their services, and maintain a competitive edge in the industry. Here’s how:…

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IRS Unveils 2024 Nationwide Tax Forum Agenda with 45 Seminars

IRS Unveils 2024 Nationwide Tax Forum Agenda with 45 Seminars

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has announced the agenda for the 2024 Nationwide Tax Forum, which will feature 45 seminars aimed at enhancing the skills of tax professionals. This year's forum, which includes contributions from the IRS and leading tax associations, will cover a broad spectrum of topics designed to help tax professionals better serve their clients. Continue reading for more information on this topic.…

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10 Cybersecurity Practices for Tax Pros and Taxpayers [DOWNLOAD]

10 Cybersecurity Practices for Tax Pros and Taxpayers [DOWNLOAD]

In an increasingly digital world, the landscape of tax preparation is evolving rapidly, with technological advancements offering convenience and efficiency to both tax professionals and their clients. However, this shift towards digitalization also brings about new challenges and risks, particularly in terms of cybersecurity. Read more from our free download resource.…

Read more about 10 Cybersecurity Practices for Tax Pros and Taxpayers [DOWNLOAD]

Supercharge Your Tax Practice with End-of-Season Strategies

Supercharge Your Tax Practice with End-of-Season Strategies

As the tax season comes to a close, tax preparers often find themselves catching their breath after the flurry of activity. It's a time to reflect on the past months' work, evaluate successes and challenges, and consider how to improve for the future. Tax preparers can use end-of-season surveys, comprehensive reviews, and staffing evaluations to set their practices up for success. Continue reading for all our strategy suggestions.…

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Protecting Your Clients and Yourself: IRS's Annual Dirty Dozen Scams, Part 1

Protecting Your Clients and Yourself: IRS's Annual Dirty Dozen Scams, Part 1

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) recently launched its annual Dirty Dozen list, highlighting the most prevalent schemes aimed at stealing personal and financial data. To review this list of fraudulent activity, we will look at six of the twelve scams in detail. Click the article to read more.…

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Building a Website for Your Tax Firm: A Comprehensive Guide

Building a Website for Your Tax Firm: A Comprehensive Guide

In the digital age, having a robust online presence is indispensable for any business, and tax firms are no exception. A well-crafted website serves as the cornerstone of your firm's digital identity, providing a platform to showcase your expertise, attract new clients, and offer valuable resources to your existing clientele. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the steps of building an effective website for your tax firm, emphasizing professional best practices, user experience, and SEO strategies to enhance your online visibility. Continue to our full post for more information on building a website.…

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