IRS Announces Increase in Interest Rates

Judging from the likes of food, gasoline and other staples, it should come as no surprise that the Internal Revenue Service is revising its interest rates, starting in the second quarter of this year.…
Judging from the likes of food, gasoline and other staples, it should come as no surprise that the Internal Revenue Service is revising its interest rates, starting in the second quarter of this year.…
The Internal Revenue Service is willing to stay the course on interest rates, announcing rates for the third quarter of 2021 will be just the same as the previous two quarters.…
Read more about IRS Holds Interest Rates Steady for Third Quarter
The Internal Revenue Service says its interest rates will hold at previous levels for the second quarter of 2021.…
Read more about IRS Interest Rates Steady for Second Quarter
While it seems our world is on the edge of big changes for the coming year, the IRS is keeping some things status-quo for now. The Internal Revenue Service says interest rates will be the same for the calendar quarter that starts Jan. 1, 2021.…
Read more about Interest Rates the Same for 2021’s First Quarter
The Internal Revenue Service says interest rates will remain the same for the calendar quarter that starts July 1. That means the rates will be:4 percent for overpayments (3 percent in the case of a…
Read more about IRS: No Interest Rate Change in Third Quarter
The Internal Revenue Service has announced that interest rates will remain the same for the calendar quarter beginning July 1, 2013, as in the prior quarter. The rates will be...…