Does My Client Qualify for QBI?

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Download the "Does My Client Qualify for QBI?" infographic.…
Tax professionals interested in learning more about the Section 199A qualified business income (QBI) deduction can attend a webinar hosted by the IRS tomorrow afternoon.…
The Section 199A qualified business income (QBI) deduction has been a source of confusion for taxpayers and tax professionals alike since it debuted with the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.…
The Internal Revenue Service released a notice and final regulations clarifying a number of issues, including whether rental property would be considered eligible for QBI.…
Read more about IRS Clarifies Whether Rental Real Estate Qualifies for QBI
The Taxing Subjects Podcast sat down with two tax analysts from Drake Software to discuss the new Section 199A qualified business income (QBI) deduction that will affect some pass-through entities this filing season.…
Read more about Bob Nolan, CPA EA and Olena Romanchuk, CPA on QBI - EP18