Businesses Seek Tax Law Fixes

Trade groups are asking Congress to make some tweaks to last year’s Tax Cuts and Jobs Act that provided tax cuts to individuals and businesses. Critics of the legislation asserted it was drafted in…
Trade groups are asking Congress to make some tweaks to last year’s Tax Cuts and Jobs Act that provided tax cuts to individuals and businesses. Critics of the legislation asserted it was drafted in…
Democratic Lawmakers Introduced Bills to Curb the PracticeIn the wake of Burger King’s announced purchase of Canadian doughnut maker Tim Horton’s to reduce its international tax burden, Democratic…
Read more about Congress Introduces Legislation to Curb Corporate Tax Inversions
The Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration performed an audit on the OIC program in an attempt to discover why there has been a 28 percent increase in the number of requests for offers in compromise. The results found ...…
Read more about Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration Performs Audit