IRS Unveils New Self-Employed Sick Leave and Family Leave Form

IRS Unveils New Self-Employed Sick Leave and Family Leave Form

Taxpayers may be aware that the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) includes a refundable tax credit for eligible employers who provide COVID-related sick and family leave. What some might not know is that this credit is also available for self-employed individuals, and a new form from the Internal Revenue Service makes claiming it straightforward.…

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Identity Thieves Targeting Unemployment Benefits, Warns IRS

Identity Thieves Targeting Unemployment Benefits, Warns IRS

The nation has been weathering nearly one million weekly initial unemployment claims since the beginning of the pandemic. For many qualifying Americans, unemployment insurance benefits are the only thing preventing food insecurity and homelessness while trying to find a new job. Unfortunately, some still have not received their benefits.…

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