Drake Update Schools...

Drake Update Schools...

Ideas That WorkIt’s been an active year of change for tax preparers, with a new voluntary certification program for tax preparers, the effects of the Affordable Care Act, and substantial other changes…

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Part II: Obamacare

Part II: Obamacare

This article avails itself to future events that begin in 2015. Most of this legislation was deferred for 1 year to allow employers and businesses the opportunity to prepare for the new record-keeping requirements and the requirement to provide employee healthcare. The first article was broken into 7 categories. This article will concentrate on the large employer requirements that begin on January 1, 2015. There will be some points of interest at the end of this article you may wish to keep and reference for future use.…

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Meet Phil Drake

Meet Phil Drake

Phil Drake,  Founder, President & CEO of Drake Software,  Shares His Thoughts About The Tax Industry,  Technology, And Business.   What is the biggest challenge facing the tax professional today? …

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Impact of the ACA

Impact of the ACA

The Affordable Care Act. What's the impact on Taxpayers? What's the impact on Tax Preparers? We surveyed over 4,000 preparers nationwide. See the results in this Infographic.Complete the brief…

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