To view forms:

    1. Select File > View. The "Return Selector" dialog opens.
    2. Select return(s) by placing a check mark in the box next to it, then click View. The "View/Print Tax Return" dialog opens.

    1. Click on any tab.
    2. The selected tab’s tree format is presented in the left-hand panel. The default settings for each tab set focus to the first form in the list. This is also the form in the viewing panel.
    3. Navigate the tree and select forms for viewing by:
      • Pressing the  UP ARROW  and DOWN ARROW  moves up and down through the forms.
      • Using the LEFT ARROW  and RIGHT ARROW  expands and collapses the categories.
      • Clicking on a form’s description.
    1. Continue to view forms as needed. As you view forms, click the corresponding check box to mark it for printing. Use CTRL+Q to quick print the form in the current view.