Repair Index Files repairs corrupt E-filing (EF), Employer Identification Number (EIN), Client Status Manager (CSM), and Name Index files in the program. To access this option, go to Tools > Repair Index Files.

Index Options

    1. Select one of the Index Options.
      • Repair all indexes – Repairs the EF, EIN, CSM, and Name indexes.
      • EF Index (eFile search list) – Repairs only the EF index. This index is used to process acknowledgements, print bank checks, and search the EF Database.
      • EIN Index (Employer ID database for Form W-2, 1099-R, etc.) – Repairs only the EIN index. This index is used to autofill W-2, W2-G, 1099, 99G, 99M and 2441 screens with employer information associated with an EIN.
      • CSM Index (Client status manager) – Repairs only the CSM index. This index is used to display information in the Drake Client Status Manager.
      • Name Index (Client name list for File>Open) – Repairs only the client name index. This index is used to display client names on the Open Return screen, to generate reports and to generate letters.
    1. Click Continue. The repair process begins. During this process the status of the update displays on the screen in the Repair Status window.
    2. If the repair includes the name index, you are prompted to select Name Index Additional Options before continuing.
      • Include prior year clients in the name index
      • Include text/sample returns in the name index
    1. When the repair index is complete, click Exit to close the dialog and return to the main menu.


When should you rebuild index files?

EF Index

    • If a ‘?’ is received on a file while processing Acks.
    • If browsing on the Search EF Database tool does not find expected taxpayer files.
    • When requested reports do not generate correctly.

EIN Index

    • If the company information becomes corrupt in data entry.
    • After adding records to the EIN Database.

Name Index

    • After updating client files from last year to current year.
    • When reports are not generating correctly.
    • After using the Backup/Restore functions.
    • If files cannot be opened for data entry by typing in the taxpayers name.
    • If returns cannot be opened for data entry using any method.