Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) is a protocol for email retrieval and storage as an alternative to POP (Post Office Protocol). IMAP, unlike POP, specifically allows multiple clients simultaneously connected to the same mailbox, and through flags are stored on the server. Different clients accessing the same mailbox at the same or different times can detect state changes made by other clients. You can read more about it at IMAP


Drake Email IMAP Settings

IMAP accounts sync emails between the online email account and the email client (Drake Email), meaning that the messages remain on the server and can be accessed outside of Drake’s tax software.


To access this information

    1. Go to Drake Email > Account Settings.
    2. Click Add Account or choose from the list of existing accounts and click Edit Account.
    3. Within the Sever Information window of the Add/Edit Account (making sure you have the Incoming Mail Server and Outgoing Mail Server information entered), click More Settings.
    4. Complete the information as needed. The income and outgoing mail server information provided in Add/Edit Account populates the corresponding fields on this screen.