The Fixed Asset Manager generates reports based on assets belonging to clients. To access these reports, go to Reports > Fixed Asset Manager.
Enter the client's ID number in the ID Number field. The report cannot be run without it.
Report Drop List Options
There are nine different default asset reports from which to choose. They can all be customized by adding or removing columns. To choose a default report, select it from the Report drop list.
Depreciation Schedules
Produces a depreciation list containing
- Description
- Date Acq'd
- Cost
- Depreciable Basis
- Depr Method
- Life
- Section 179 Allowed in Current Year
- Current Year Bonus Depreciation
- Accumulated Depreciation
- Current Year Depreciation
The asset number is made from the assigned asset number followed by the department number, separated by a decimal. An example of an Asset Number is 122.001. If the asset's numbers have not been assigned, the software displays the asset's record number in this field.
- Description
- Date Acquired
- Cost
- Business Use Percent
- Depreciable Basis
- Current Year Depreciation
- AMT Preference
- Accumulated Depreciation
- Next Year Depreciation
Sec179 Assets
Produces an asset list containing items that were expensed during the current year. The items on this report include:
- Description
- Date Acquired
- Cost
- Section 179 Elected in Prior Years
- Section 179 Allowed in Prior Years
- Section 179 Elected in Current Year
- Section 179 Allowed in Current Year
- Qualified Real Property (QRP)
- GO Zone Extension Property
- Disaster Assistance Property
- Depreciable Basis
Produces an asset list containing items disposed of within the current year. The items on this report include:
- Description
- Date Acquired
- Cost
- Depreciable Basis
- Accumulated Deprecation
- If Sold Property Type
- If Sold Date Sold
- If Sold Sales Price
- If Sold Expense of Sale
- If Sold 1099-S
Department Summary
Produces a summary of assets sorted and summed by department or schedule. The items on this report include
- Description
- Date Acquired
- Cost
- Section 179 Elected in Current Year
- Current Year Bonus Depreciation
- Depreciable Basis
- Depr Method
- Life
- Current Year Depreciation
- Accumulated Depreciation
Year Summary
Produces a summary report of assets on a yearly basis, grouped by department. For each department, there is a summary line for each year up to ten years prior. This report also totals depreciation for eleven years and prior. The report is always sorted by department then year. The items on this report include
- Description
- Cost
- Business Use Percent
- Section 179 Elected in Current Year
- Current Year Bonus Depreciation
- Depreciable Basis
- Current Year Depreciation
- AMT Preference
- Accumulated Depreciation
- Next Year Depreciation
Asset Category Summary
- Section 179 Elected in Prior Year
- Description
- Prior Year Bonus Depreciation
- Cost
- Section 179 Elected in Current Year
- Depreciable Basis
- Current Year Bonus Depreciation
- Current Year Depreciation
- Prior Depreciation
- Accumulated Depreciation
Preference Report
Produces an asset list containing assets placed in service after 1986. The items on this report include
- Description
- Date Acquired
- Cost
- Depreciation Basis
- Depr Method
- Life
- Current Year Depreciation
- AMT Preference
Auto Code Print
Runs the reports established on the Macros for the Fixed Asset Manager dialog box, accessible by clicking Edit Macros.
Depreciation Drop List Options
After choosing which report type to produce, choose a format for your report. The format options are
- Federal – The printed report tracks federal depreciation methods.
- State – The printed report tracks state depreciation methods.
- Alt Min Tax – The printed report tracks alternative depreciation methods.
- Book – The printed report tracks depreciation using book methods.
After choosing the report type and report format, choose a sorting style for your report. Some types of reports limit the sorting styles. The sorting styles include
- Full Schedule
- Department
- Form/Schedule
- Asset Category
- To add columns to a report, highlight the desired columns in the Available columns section, then click Select.
- To remove columns from a report, highlight the desired columns in the Selected report columns section, then click Unselect.
- To remove all columns from a report, click Unselect All.
- To save the changes to the reports, click Save.
Generating, Exporting, and Printing the Report
- To generate the report, click Run Report.
- After running the report and generating the results, you have the option of exporting the report to a CSV.
- The report may be printed directly from the viewer by clicking Print.
To establish a selection of reports (rather than a single one), click Edit Macros.
In the Macros for the Fixed Asset Manager dialog box, establish up to six reports by selecting the Report, Depreciation, and Style for each.
To run the reports established in the Macros for the Fixed Asset Manager, select Auto Code Print in the Report drop list on the Fixed Asset Manager main page.