

Select Bill format

Comprehensive: Generates an itemized client bill (all packages)

Summary: Creates a summarized client bill (all packages)

Classic: Use the same format and features as prior years of Drake Tax.

Show preparer fees withheld from bank product

Print the preparer fees withheld from the bank product amount on the bill

Sales and Local Tax

Enter state and local sales tax rates to add to each bill; enter amounts as decimals or whole numbers. Numbers must be greater than “1.” For example, “4.5” represents a sales tax rate of 4.5%. This percentage can be adjusted per firm or per return.

Billing statement format

Choose what information is shown on the bill

  • Show only total amount

Only a total; does not display an itemized list of forms being billed for (Comprehensive and Classic bills only)

  • Show form list ad total

An itemized list but no price-perform, only a total (Comprehensive and Classic bills only)

  • Show forms, form prices, and total

An itemized list, price-per- form, and total (Comprehensive and Classic bills only)

  • Bill by time

Time = spent preparing the return, multiplied by the preparer’s Hourly rate (defined in Setup > Preparers)

  • Show forms, number of forms, and charges per form

An itemized list of charges based on forms present in the return and associated form prices (entered in Setup > Pricing)

  • Move prep time charge to bottom of bill

A bill by time but with the total at the bottom

Header on bill

  • Show preparer’s name — Print the sentence, “Your 2023 tax return was prepared by [return preparer’s name],” on the bill (Comprehensive and Classic bills only).
  • Show only tax year — Prints the sentence, “2023 Tax Year Statement” on the bill (Comprehensive and Classic bills only).
  • Professional services statement — Prints the sentence, “For professional services rendered in connection with the preparation of your 2023 tax return,” on the bill (Comprehensive and Classic bills only).

Options for Classic Bill Only

Print taxpayer's phone number on the bill

Print the taxpayer’s phone number (entered on screen 1) on the bill.

Print taxpayer's email address on the bill

Print the taxpayer’s email address (entered on screen 1) on the bill.

Custom Paragraph Options

Have a custom paragraph printed at the top or bottom of the customer’s bill.

Paragraph Content

Write a custom paragraph to include on every customer’s bill.

Setup Options