The Report Manager provides several standard reports of commonly requested data queries for; Client Contact, EF/Bank Reports, Scheduler Reports, My Reports and Other Report Options.
To change any of the reports listed, see the section on Editing a Report. To access reports, go to Reports > Report Manager.
There are five categories of client data reports available:
The reports in this section are based on current or prior-year data found in the taxpayer's demographic information.
- Address List (All Clients) – A list of address information for current-year clients that have city, state, and ZIP data entered and do not have a date-of-death entered
- Address List (All Clients) Prior-Year – A list of address information for prior-year clients that have city, state, and ZIP data entered and do not have a date-of-death entered.
If this report is not producing the expected results, check Setup > Data Locations on the Home window to ensure the correct data path is entered for last year's data.
- Address List (Individual) – A list of address information for current-year 1040 clients that have city, state, and ZIP code data entered and do not have a date-of-death entered.
- Address List (Individual) Prior-Year – A list of address information for prior-year 1040 clients that have city, state, and ZIP code data entered and do not have a date-of-death entered.
If this report is not producing the expected results, check Setup > Data Locations on the Home window to ensure the correct data path is entered for current year's data.
- Birthday List – Spouse – A list of contact information for clients having a spouse with a birthday in the current month, no date-of-death, and have city, state, and ZIP code data entered.
- Birthday List – Taxpayer – A list of contact information for clients with a birthday in the current month, no date-of-death entered, and city, state, and ZIP code data entered.
- Client List (All Clients) – A list that includes contact, fee, firm, and preparer information for current-year clients with a taxpayer ID and name entered.
- Client List (All Clients) Prior-Year – A list that includes contact, fee, firm, and preparer information for prior-year clients with a taxpayer ID and name entered.
If this report is not producing the expected results, check Setup > Data Locations on the Home window to ensure the correct data path is entered for last year's data.
- Contact List (Business Clients) – A list of contact information for current-year business clients (1120, 1120S, 1041, 1065, 990, and 706).
- Contact List (Individual) – A list of contact information for current-year 1040 clients.
- Form 1125-E Officer List – A list of 1125-E officers.
- Schedule K-1 Beneficiary Contact List – A list of contact and Schedule K-1 information for current-year 1041 clients.
- Schedule K-1 Partner Contact List – A list of contact and Schedule K-1 information for current-year 1065 clients.
- Schedule K-1 Shareholder Contact List – A list of contact and Schedule K-1 information for current-year 1120S clients.
The reports in this section are based information found on the taxpayer demographics data, preparer data related to the assigned preparer, fees, and TRAC screen information.
- Accounts Receivable – A list of current-year clients with unpaid fees.
- Daily Preparer Report – A list of clients completed on today's date, sorted by preparer.
- Daily Preparer Summary – A report with counts, by preparer name, of clients completed on today's date.
- Preparer Revenue – A list of clients with paid fees.
- Preparer Summary – A report with counts, by preparer name, of clients with paid fees.
- Returns by Preparer – A list of returns created by each preparer.
- Revenue by Preparer – A list of revenue generated by each preparer.
- Revenue by ZIP Code – A list of revenue summed by client ZIP code.
- Weekly Preparer Report – A list of returns completed within the current week, sorted by preparer.
- Weekly Preparer Summary – A report with counts, by firm name, of returns completed within the current week.
The reports in this section are based information found on the taxpayer demographics and return details data determined by existing screens and forms.
- Amended Return – A list of clients with an amended return completed.
- Balance Due – A list of clients who owe taxes.
- Estimate Tax Payments – A list of 1040 clients who have estimated payments entered on their return.
- Extensions – A list of clients who have an extension request sent to the IRS.
- Refund – A list of clients who are due a refund.
- Return Summary – A report of current-year clients with return details summarized. Information includes return type, preparer name, preparer number, calculated count, opened count, refund, balance due, and refund method.
- State Results – A list of clients where the state name, on their demographic screen, is not blank.
- Zero Due – A list of clients without a refund or balance due.
The reports in this section are based information found on the client's TRAC screen information.
- Calculated not E-Filed – A list of current-year clients whose return has been calculated but not e-filed.
- Calculated not E-Filed to State – A list of current-year clients whose return has been calculated but not e-filed to the state.
- Client Retention Report – A list of clients showing the number of years each has been with a preparer.
- Date Last Calculated – A list of clients showing the last calculated date, as captured on the TRAC screen.
- Date Return Promised – A list of clients showing the date promised, as it has been entered on the TRAC screen.
- DCN Listing – A list of document control numbers (DCNs) and the return to which they are assigned.
- Misc Codes/Invoice No. – A list of returns with miscellaneous code or receipt number assignments.
- New Clients – A list of first-time clients.
- Non-Returning Clients – A list of clients who did not come back this year.
- Returning Clients – A list of clients who came back this year.
- Updated but not Calculated – A list of clients updated from the previous tax year, but whose current-year return is yet to be calculated.
- 1040 Detail Production Summary – A report of current-year 1040 clients, with counts and sub-totals by return type (1040, 1040A, and 1040EZ). Information includes counts by filing statuses, Schedule A and C, and dependents; with sums and averages for AGI and fees.
- 1040 Detail Production Summary (Prior-Year) – A report of prior-year 1040 clients, with counts and sub-totals by return type (1040, 1040A, and 1040EZ). Information includes counts by filing statuses, Schedule A and C, and dependents; with sums and averages for AGI and fees.
- 1040 Production Summary – A report of current-year 1040 clients, with counts and sub-totals by return type (1040, 1040A, and 1040EZ). Information includes counts and percentages of returns with extensions, amended filings, and e-filings; with sums and averages for refunds, balances due, and fees.
- 1040 Production Summary (Prior-Year) – A report of prior-year 1040 clients with counts and sub-totals by return type (1040, 1040A, and 1040EZ). Information includes counts and percentages of returns with extensions, amended filings, and e-filings; with sums and averages for refunds, balances due, and fees.
- Business Production Summary – A report of current-year business clients with counts and sub-totals by return type (1041, 1065, 1120, 1120S, 990, and 706). Information includes counts by return type; with sums and averages for total income, total assets, K-1s, and fees.
- Business Production Summary (Prior-Year) – A report of prior-year business clients with counts and sub-totals by return type (1041, 1065, 1120, 1120S, 990, and 706). Information includes counts by return type; with sums and averages for total income, total assets, K-1s, and fees.
- W-2 Employer Summary – A list of W-2 employers showing a count of how many W-2s have been entered using their EIN in the current year.
- W-2 Employer Summary (Prior-Year) – A list of W-2 employers showing a count of how many W-2s have been entered using their EIN in the prior year.
There are seven categories of e-filed and bank data reports available:
- 1040 Returns Rejected – A list of 1040 clients expecting a check or Advance product that have been rejected by the IRS.
- 2 Week Check Approved – A list of 1040 clients expecting a two-week check that have been accepted by the IRS and where the bank has approved the loan.
- 2 Week Check Declined – A list of 1040 clients expecting a two-week check that have been accepted by the IRS but where the bank has declined the loan.
- Advance Approved – A list of 1040 clients with an approved Advance product.
- Advance Declined – A list of 1040 clients with a declined Advance product.
- Advance Flipped – A list of 1040 clients with an approved Advance product that was flipped to a 2-week check.
- Bank Approved – A list of 1040 clients with an approved bank product.
- Bank Declined – A list of 1040 clients with a declined bank product.
- Fully Funded Bank Products – A list of 1040 clients where the federal and state refund deposits completely cover the checks issued by the bank.
- IRS Partial and Non-Payment – A list of 1040 clients where the IRS has not paid, or has partially paid the expected refund.
- Unfunded and Under–Funded Bank Products – A list of 1040 clients where the expected bank product was partially or not approved.
- Bank Products Pending – A list of 1040 clients with a bank product where the return is accepted by the IRS, but the bank's acknowledgment has not been received.
- Daily Check Report – A list of 1040 clients who have a check with a print date the same as the date the report runs.
- Monthly Check Report – A list of 1040 clients who have a check with a print date in the same month the report runs.
- Weekly Check Report – A list of 1040 clients who have a check with a print date within the same week the report runs.
- Bank Client List – A list of clients with both a refund due and a bank product.
- EF and Bank Summary – Firm – A report with counts, by firm name, for current-year 1040 clients. Information includes counts and percentages of returns accepted, rejected, duplicated, and bank accepted; with sums and averages for preparer and deposited fees.
- EF and Bank Summary – Preparer – A report with counts, by preparer name, for current-year 1040 clients. Information includes counts and percentages of returns accepted, rejected, duplicated, and bank accepted; with sums and averages for preparer and deposited fees.
- 1040 Returns Accepted – A list of 1040 clients who have been accepted by the IRS.
- 1040 Returns Duplicated – A list of 1040 clients who have been rejected as a duplicate by the IRS.
- 1040 Returns Rejected (Never Accepted) – A list of 1040 clients who have never been accepted by the IRS, regardless of the number of transmissions.
- 1040 Returns Pending – A list of 1040 clients transmitted but not acknowledged by the IRS.
- 1040 Returns Rejected (Even if Accepted later) – A list of 1040 clients rejected by the IRS at any point.
- Business Returns Accepted – A list of business clients who have been accepted by the IRS.
- Business Returns Duplicated – A list of business clients who have been rejected as a duplicate by the IRS.
- Business Returns Rejected (Never Accepted) – A list of business clients who have never been accepted by the IRS, regardless of the number of transmissions.
- Business Returns Pending – A list of business clients transmitted but not acknowledged by the IRS.
- Business Returns Rejected (Even if Accepted later) – A list of business clients rejected by the IRS at any point.
- Extensions Accepted – A list of clients with extensions accepted by the IRS.
- Extensions Pending – A list of clients with extensions transmitted but not acknowledged by the IRS.
- Extensions Rejected – A list of clients with extensions rejected by the IRS.
- State Returns Accepted – A list of clients with state returns accepted by the state.
- State Returns Duplicated – A list of clients with state returns rejected by the state as a duplicate transmission.
- State Returns Rejected (Never Accepted) – A list of clients with state returns never accepted by the state, regardless of the number of transmissions.
- State Returns Pending – A list of clients with state returns transmitted but not acknowledged by the state.
- State Returns Rejected (Even if Accepted later) – A list of clients with state returns rejected by the state, at any point.
- EF Business Summary – A count of e-filed business clients by return type. Information includes counts and percentages of returns accepted, rejected, and duplicated.
- EF Client List – A list of e-filed returns.
- EF Summary – Firm – A count of e-filed clients by firm name. Information includes counts and percentages of returns accepted, rejected, and duplicated.
- EF Summary – Preparer – A count of e-filed clients by preparer name. Information includes counts and percentages of returns accepted, rejected, and duplicated.
- Preparer Fee Report – A list of 1040 client fees by preparer name.
- Preparer Fee Report (by Date) – A list of 1040 client fees by preparer fee direct deposit date.
- Preparer Fee Summary – A fee summary list of 1040 clients by preparer name.
- Preparer Fee Summary (by Date) – A fee summary list of 1040 clients by preparer fee direct deposit date.
Clients with No Bank Product – A list of e-filed 1040 clients who are due refunds, but did not use a bank product.
There is one category of scheduler data reports available that address the most common reporting needs. The following is a list of the standard scheduler reports by category.
Client Contact
- Call List for all Preparers – A call list of clients by preparer name.
- New Client Appointments – A list of clients added in the current tax year.
- Preparer Appointments – A summarized list of appointments by preparer name for the given date range.
- Preparer Call List – A call list by preparer name for a given date range.
My Reports includes a list of reports created or changed by you. These reports can be edited and deleted as you deem necessary.
Other Report Options is comprised of reports shipped with the program that cannot be edited or deleted by you.
- Client Status Manager Reports – Launches a separate dialog that is capable of producing several reports based on CSM data. These reports are not editable from within the Report Manager.
- Depreciation List – Launches a separate dialog that is capable of producing several reports based on depreciable items belonging to clients. This report is not editable from within the Report Manager.
- Fixed Asset Manager – Launches a separate dialog that is capable of producing several reports based on assets belonging to clients. This report is not editable from within the Report Manager.
- Hash Totals – Launches a separate dialog that is capable of producing hash totals based on return data entry fields and sums of numeric data. This report is not editable from within Report Manager.