Warning: Ensure you have verified all information on your return. Once returns are sent, the transmission cannot be stopped by you or Drake Software. Drake Software Support cannot assist you if you accidentally transmit a file, or if you transmit a file containing wrong information. Once you transmit a file, it is submitted to the IRS.
The EF Return Selector dialog box is used to select returns to be e-filed. Choose EF > Select Returns for EF to access the EF Return Selector.
All returns with a print file are listed on the EF Return Selector. Only returns eligible for e-filing are enabled for selection.
Basic information for each return
- ID Number – the primary taxpayer's SSN or EIN
- Client Name – the primary taxpayer's name or the company's name
- Status – displays the e-filing status of the return
- EF Documents – this information is divided by Linked State – Direct States – State-Only States. The state(s) assigned to each type of transmission are in their corresponding category denoted by the state 2–letter code. For example: NC/CAMD/GALATN means North Carolina is the linked state, California and Maryland are both going Direct, and Georgia, Louisiana and Tennessee are all State-Only Transmissions.
• Linked State – refers to a state return e-filed with the Federal MEF return and the IRS forwards the state their return.
• Direct State – CA, MA, TX (business), and NJ (partnership) are "direct states" and by themselves and we transmit the records the state's DOR directly.
• State-only – refers to a state sent separate from the IRS transmission.
- Fed Bal Due – if the return has a balance due, the amount is displayed in this column
- Fed Refund – if the return has a refund, the amount is displayed in this column
- Method – this field indicates how the refund or balance due is exchanged. The possible options are:
- DD for direct deposit
- DDeb for direct debit
- Last Calc – date/time the return was last calculated
- EFIN – of the firm preparing the file
- Messages – displays status messages related to the return
Message indicators X and Z indicate there is a message page associated with the return. The Y indicates there is an ETD message that prevents e-filing.
- Preparer – name of the preparer of record
- Fed EF – lists Federal documents
- PB State EF – indicates the state selected for piggyback (Federal/State) e-filing
- Other State EF – indicates other (non-piggyback) states selected for e-filing
To select returns for e-filing, click the box to the left of the ID Number. A check mark appears to indicate the return has been selected.
To view transmission details about the return, double-click the return and the EF Transmission Detail window opens.
After the appropriate returns are selected, click Continue. An EF report is displayed on your screen. The report provides basic information about each selected return. Click Print to print the report for your records. Click Exit to return to the EF Return Selector.
Important: Once the return is selected, and you have clicked Continue, a separate file is created for each return. This file exists until the next time you Transmit/Receive. It is very important you choose only the returns you want to transmit.
EF Transmission Detail
The EF Transmission Detail dialog box shows the details of what is to be transmitted. The Federal form, Piggyback state, Direct state(s), and State-Only state(s) are shown.
To review or change a return's transmission details, double-click the desired return. The EF Transmission Detail dialog box appears.
To select what is sent when the return is e-filed, use the drop lists to the right of each type of return available for e-filing. If you do not want to send a particular return type, choose Do Not Send from the corresponding drop list.
Use the arrows in the bottom right corner to scroll through the client records eligible for e-filing.
Troubleshooting EF Transmission
If a return you want to file electronically does not appear in the EF Return Selector, follow these steps to troubleshoot:
- Recalculate the return.
- Check for MESSAGES on the return. To check for MESSAGES, open the return and click View or press CTRL+P. In the list of forms valid for the return there is a form named MESSAGES.
- Check Setup Options – Setup > Options > EF > Require Ready for EF Indicator on EF Screen to see if EF Ready is selected. If Require Ready for EF Indicator on EF screen is selected, open the return for data entry, go to EF screen. Use the EF Ready drop list to select Ready for EF.
- Ensure the return has not been sent and accepted by the IRS. To see if the return has been accepted by the IRS, go to EF > Search EF Database. You can also open the return, type TRAC, on the Data Entry Menu screen and press ENTER.
- The return should not contain forms that cannot be e-filed.