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Preparing for Policy Changes Ahead of the 2025 Tax Season

Preparing for Policy Changes Ahead of the 2025 Tax Season

With a new president and GOP control of the House and Senate, here is an overview of what may happen and how to prepare.

The Republican party has the opportunity to shape legislative priorities for the next two years due to their control of the executive branch and both chambers of the legislative branch. This shift, amplified by the influence of President Trump on the party's future candidates, sets the stage for long-term policy changes. 

Download the resource below for a comprehensive breakdown of key policy areas and actionable steps for tax professionals and small businesses. Plus, catch our upcoming webinar on navigating the election results as a tax business.

Note: These are just predictions. Things change and happen very quickly. We will notify you as quickly as possible. Please subscribe to Taxing Subjects for further updates. 

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