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10328: Commonly Used IRS Publications

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What are the most commonly used IRS publications?

IRS publications most commonly referenced are:

Publication 17 - Tax Guide for Individuals Used for general tax information and preparation of the 1040 return.
Publication 529 - Miscellaneous Deductions Used for preparation of the 2106 and misc deductions on the Schedule A.
Publication 535 - Business Expenses Used for direction on where to report business expenses.
Publication 544 - Sales and Other Dispositions of Assets Used in reference for reporting 1099-A on return.
Publication 596 - Earned Income Credit Used in reference for qualifications to claim this credit.
Publication 946 - How to Depreciate Property Used for depreciating and preparation of the form 4562.
Publication 970 - Tax Benefits for Education Used for completion of the form 8863 to claim education tax credit.
Publication 972 - Child Tax Credit Used for qualifications of the child tax credit and if it can be claimed.
Publication 3112 - IRS e-file Application and Participation Explains how to apply and participate in the IRS e-file program.
Publication 3524 – EITC Checklist Summary of EITC eligibility.
Publication 4681 - Canceled Debts, Foreclosures, Repossessions, and Abandonments (for Individuals) Used in reference for reporting 1099-A and 1099-C on tax returns.


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