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17467: 2022.01.07 - Drake21 Updates

Drake21 Update Notes

2022.01.07 - Drake21 Updates


Arizona Update 1     

  • Individual Package:
    • The AZ Individual package has been approved for e-file. Individual returns containing Small Business Income (SBI) forms may not yet be e-filed.

Hawaii Update 1

  • Individual Package
    • The appropriate response is now marked for line 54, "Did you file a federal Schedule E for any rental activity," of Form N-11, Individual Income Tax Return - Resident, regardless of whether rental activity is sourced inside or outside of HI.
  • S Corporation Package:
    • Values in column C, "Attributable elsewhere," for lines 7, "Net short-term capital gain (loss)," and 8, "Net long-term capital gain (loss)," on Schedule K of Form N-35, S Corporation Income Tax Return, are now calculated only when applicable.
  • Corporation Package:
    • The return balance due is now calculated as intended for an amended Form N-30, Corporation Income Tax Return, when there has been no previous amount paid or overpaid entered on HI screen AMD. Prior to this update, a refund would have been calculated in this scenario rather than a balance due.

Montana Update 1

  • Individual, Corporation, S Corporation, Partnership, and Fiduciary Packages:
    • The following forms have been approved and enabled for printing:
      • Form-CT, Montana Corporate Income Tax Payment Voucher
      • Form-IT, Montana Individual Income Tax Payment Voucher
      • Form-PR, Montana Partnership Tax Payment Voucher
      • Form QEC, Qualified Endowment Credit
      • Form-SB, Montana Small Business Corporation Tax Payment Voucher
      • Form VT, Veterans' Program Contribution and Deduction

OH and RITA Multiple package Update 1

  • Individual, Corporation, S Corporation, Partnership, and Fiduciary Packages:
    • The following forms have been updated to the latest version and enabled for printing:
      • Forms CCA
      • City Tax Form
      • Net Profit Tax Return
      • RITA Form 10A, Application for Municipal Income Tax Refund,
  • Fiduciary Package:
    • e-File has been approved for the OH Fiduciary package.

Oklahoma update 1

  • Individual Package:
    • The program no longer closes when calculating returns with Form 538-S, Claim for Credit/Refund of Sales Tax, in which the taxpayer or spouse has an ITIN.
  • Corporation, S Corporation, Partnership, and Fiduciary Packages:
    • The above packages have been approved for e-file.

Utah Update 1

  • Individual Package:
    • Line 9 of the Social Security Credit Worksheet (UTWK_RET), will no longer be computed as a negative number. That line cannot be less than "0" (zero).
    • Line 7 of the Social Security Credit Worksheet (UTWK_RET), will now be calculated by the amount of taxable Social Security benefits instead of by the Modified Adjusted Gross Income. 

Vermont Update 1

  • Partnership Package:
    • The officer's signature date on Form BI-471, Vermont Business Income Tax Return, will now be printed as entered on federal screen PIN. Prior to the update, the signature date used by default was the preparer's signature date.
  • Corporation, S Corporation, Partnership, and Fiduciary Packages:
    • All business packages and the fiduciary package have been approved for e-file. EF Messages preventing e-file have been removed.

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