AK |
AL |
State driver's license data |
State withholding account numbers |
AR |
State driver's license data |
State Identity PINs |
Bank account numbers |
AZ |
State driver's license data elements* |
State withholding numbers* |
Preparer PTIN** |
CA |
State driver's license data*
SSNs and EINs* |
Bank Account Numbers* |
CO |
Address Information* |
SSNs and ITINs* |
State driver's license data*
Banking Information*
Boxes 15-17 in the W2 to ensure they are not duplicated*
Preparer PTIN**
Phone Numbers* |
State Tax Account Numbers* |
CT |
State driver's license data |
State withholding account numbers |
Preparer PTIN** |
Address Information* |
DC |
State driver's license data* |
State withholding account numbers* |
Bank account numbers* |
Filer Address* |
DE |
FL |
GA |
HI |
IA |
State driver's license data |
State withholding account numbers |
Income Amounts |
Payer/Employer State ID Numbers |
State Withholding amounts |
ID |
State driver's license data* |
State withholding account numbers* |
Preparer PTIN** |
Address Information* |
Phone Number* |
IL |
State driver's license data* |
State withholding account numbers* |
Withholding account number(s) - employer identification number*
Validate boxes 15-17 in the W2 to ensure they are not duplicated* |
Preparer PTIN** |
IN |
KS |
Physical Address for KS Resident Returns* |
Bank Account Information* |
SSNs* |
State driver's license data* |
Boxes 15-17 on W2s to ensure they are not duplicated
KY |
State driver's license data* |
Bank Account Information* |
State Withholding account numbers*
KY Corp/LLET Account Numbers* |
Taxpayer Address* |
Employer Info (W2)* |
SSNs and FEINs* |
LA |
MA |
MD |
State driver's license data* |
State withholding account numbers* |
Maryland Physical Address on Resident Returns* |
Bank Account Information* |
SSNs/ITINs on Forms W-2* |
ME |
MI |
MN |
State driver's license data* |
State withholding account numbers* |
Preparer PTIN** |
MO |
MS |
MT |
Address Information* |
Bank Account Information* |
SSNs* |
State driver's license data |
NC |
ND |
State driver's license data* |
State withholding account numbers* |
SSNs* |
Address* |
FEINs* |
Bank Account Information* |
NE |
NH |
NJ |
NM |
State driver's license data*
Bank Account Information* |
SSNs or ITINs* |
State driver's license data |
State driver's license data |
OH |
Physical Address for OH Resident Returns* |
OK |
OR |
State driver's license data* |
Primary and secondary SSN/ITIN on individual returns* |
Bank routing and account numbers* |
FEINs on business returns* |
Portland |
FEIN on business returns* |
Boxes 15-17 on W2s to ensure they are not duplicated |
State driver's license data* |
SSNs, ITINs, or FEINs* |
Bank routing and account numbers* |
PTIN** |
PA |
State driver's license data* |
PL (Philadelphia) |
SSNs or FEINs* |
PHTIN (City Account Numbers) |
RI |
Bank account number (DD and PMT)* |
SC |
State driver's license data* |
State withholding account numbers* |
Direct deposit and direct debit bank account number (DD and PMT)* |
TN |
TX |
UT |
SSNs* |
Bank routing and account numbers* |
State Withholding Account Numbers* |
Boxes 15-17 on W2 to ensure they are not duplicated* |
VA |
State driver's license data* |
State withholding account numbers* |
Direct deposit and direct debit bank routing & account number* |
PTIN** |
Locality codes* |
VT |
Physical address on VT Resident Returns* |
PTIN** |
WI |
State withholding account numbers*
State driver's license data* |
WV |
State driver's license data |
State withholding account numbers |
Bank routing & account numbers (DD and PMT screens) |