To view the forms associated with a tax return or to send a return electronically, you must first calculate the return.

There are two ways to calculate returns:

    • from the main screen of the application
    • from return's data entry screen.

Calculating a Return without Opening the Return for Data Entry

    1. To calculate returns without opening them for data entry, choose File > Calculate, press CTRL+C, or click the Calculate icon in the main screen toolbar
    2. On the Batch Calculation Client Selection window, enter the clients' name or SSN/EIN in the Client Selection field
    3. Select the client from the results section by double-clicking on the client and the client will appear in the Selected Clients section
    4. Once all desired clients appear in the Selected Clients section, click Next
    5. All selected clients' returns will calculate

Calculating the Return from Data Entry

To calculate a return from the data entry screen, click Calculate on the toolbar or press CTRL+C.