

Knowledge Base

10403: Common Acronyms/Abbreviations

Fed Returns Generally

What are some of the more common acronyms, or abbreviations, used when working with taxes, software and e-filing?


ACTC Additional Child Tax Credit
ACA  Affordable Care Act
AGI Adjusted Gross Income
AICPA American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
AMT Alternative Minimum Tax
ATIN Adoption Taxpayer Identification Number
BA Business Analyst
BBS Bulletin Board System
CG Capital Gain
COLA Cost of Living Adjustment
CPA Certified Public Accountant
CE Continuing Education (IRS usage)
CPE Continuing Professional Education
CTC Child Tax Credit
CY Calendar year
CYEI  Current Year Earned Income
DBF Data Base Files
DCN Declaration Control Number
DD Direct Debit or Direct Deposit
DISC Domestic International Sales Corporation
DOR Department of Revenue
DOT Department of Transportation
EA Enrolled Agent
 EDPA Entire Disposition Passive Activity
EF Electronic Filing
EFIN Electronic Filing Identification Number
EFT Electronic Funds Transfer
EIC or EITC Earned Income (Tax) Credit
EIN Employer Identification Number
ERC Error Reject Code
ERO Electronic Return Originator
ESA Educational Savings Account
ETC Electronic Training Center
ETIN Electronic Transmitter Identification Number
FBAR Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts (FinCEN Report 114)
FICA Federal Insurance Contributions Act
FMS Financial Management System
FOB Freight On Board
FS Filing Status
FTB Franchise Tax Board
FTD Federal Tax Deposit
FUTA Federal Unemployment Tax Act
HSA Health Savings Account
IP Internet Protocol
IRA Individual Retirement Account
IRC Internal Revenue Code
IRS Internal Revenue Service
ISP Internet Service Provider
ITIN Individual Taxpayer Identification Number
LLC Limited Liability Company
LTCG Long Term Capital Gains
MAGI Modified Adjusted Gross Income
MeF Modernized E-File
MSA Medical Savings Account
NAEA National Association of Enrolled Agents
NATP National Association of Tax Professionals
NRA Non-Resident Alien
OLF On Line Filing
OPR Office of Professional Responsibility
PAL Passive Activity Loss
PAN Passive Activity Number
PATS Participants Acceptance Testing System
PIN Personal Identification Number
PTIN Preparer Tax Identification Number
PYEI Prior Year Earned Income
QC Quality Control
RRC  Recovery Rebate Credit
RRTA Railroad Retirement Tax Act
RSA Retirement Savings Account
RTN Routing Transit Number
SBIN Service Bureau Identification Number
SEE Special Enrollment Examination
SSA Social Security Administration
SSN Social Security Number
STCG Short Term Capital Gains
STM Statement
TA Tax Analyst
TDS Transcript Delivery System
TY Tax Year
UCE Unemployment Compensation Exclusion
VA Veterans Administration
VITA Voluntary Income Tax Assistance


Note: See also "Tax Literals/Acronyms" in Related Links below.

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