

Knowledge Base

10569: Default Individual Result Letter in Drake

Letters Setup

What is the default individual result letter in Drake? 

The default Individual Result Letter selection, is #03 - Summary Results Letter (All Tax Types).

You can change the default letter at the Setup > Options > Client Communications tab, using the Individual drop list in the Letter Options section of the tab:

The result letter that is displayed in an individual return depends on

  • The Letter Option selected at Setup > Options.

    Note: If you update Options from last year, your default letter selection is brought forward to the current year.

  • The content of the letter template selected. If you update a letter from prior year, any changes in the letter are brought forward to the current year.
  • The details of the return.

Letter Content. The content of any letter template selected is the default content shipped with the Drake Tax program, unless, you edit the letter or update it from an edited version from prior year. If you update the letter, the Result letter is brought forward from the prior year software (which could be the letter that shipped with Drake Tax software, an edited letter, or a letter updated from a previous year).

Return details. The same letter template produces a customized letter for each return, so the appearance of the letter will vary between returns. The result letter in a particular return includes or excludes data and paragraphs depending on the return. 

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