

Knowledge Base

11117: 1040 - Annuity or Pension from a Nonqualified Retirement Plan

1040 Individual

A taxpayer's annuity comes from a non-qualified retirement plan. Does Drake Tax calculate the taxable amount?

Generally, for a non-qualified plan, you will have to calculate the taxable amount yourself using the General Rule rather than the Simplified Method.

The General Rule is described in Publication 939, General Rule for Pensions and Annuities. Drake Tax does not perform calculations for the General Rule. You must determine and enter the total and taxable portion of the taxpayer's pension or annuity on the applicable line of Form 1040:

The Simplified Method, used for most qualified plans, is available in Drake on the Special Tax Treatments tab of screen 1099 - 1099-R Retirement, which produces the worksheet Wks SGR. Publication 575, Pension and Annuity Income describes the Simplified Method and includes the worksheet at the end of the publication. Drake performs Simplified Method calculations, however, you should review Publication 575 to ensure that you have made applicable entries. 

A brief description of General Rule and the Simplified Method appears in Topic 411 - Pensions – the General Rule and the Simplified Method. See Publication 939 and Publication 575 for details.

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