

Knowledge Base

13193: Window Sizing Incorrect

Options Setup

Some of the windows (or screens) in Drake Software run off my computer's display, or some buttons and text are faded or are not accessible. The way it looks makes it difficult to use the software or the Scheduler. How can I fix this? 

This issue can occur if the computer has been set to size the screen at greater than 100%. The monitor display resolution setting may need to be adjusted to see the scroll bar on some screens.  

Windows 7

Close the software and right click on the desktop. Select Screen resolution. This opens a window labeled “Change the appearance of your display.” (Note: Alternately, select Display from the Control Panels to go directly to the window needed to adjust the appearance of your display.)

Select the link Make text and other items larger or smaller to bring up the window labeled “Make it easier to read what’s on your screen.”

Select Smaller – 100% and click Apply. You will have to log out and then back in again in order for the settings to update. Be sure to save any work you may have open beyond the software. (A Windows message will display asking you to log off. Choose to log off now.)

Windows 10

Close any open programs. Go to the Start menu and select Settings. Under Settings select System and then Display and scroll to Scale and layout. In Change the size of text, apps, and other items, select an option. Typically, it's best to choose the one that's marked (Recommended). For changes to be applied, you may need to sign out. (A Windows message will display asking you to sign out. Choose to sign out now.)

Other Options Within The Software

Additional changes to the appearance of Drake Software data entry windows or text are made under Setup > Options. The Data Entry tab has sizing options:

In Drake15 and prior: 

  • Maximize data entry screens where possible for easier viewing
  • Size data entry screens to show most fields without scrolling
  • Magnify data entry (enables zoom of a single data entry field when the cursor is in it).

Starting in Drake16:

  • When possible, make data entry screen text smaller to minimize or eliminate scrolling. 
  • Magnify data entry (enables zoom of a single data entry field when the cursor is in it). 

If you continue to experience difficulty with the size and appearance of software screens, please contact our Support line for assistance at (828) 524-8020.

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