

Knowledge Base

13579: 1041 - Scheduling Estimated Tax Payments

1041 Fiduciary

Can I schedule direct debit of estimated taxes in a fiduciary return?


You can use the ES screen to generate estimated tax payment vouchers in a fiduciary return. The e-file/Electronic Funds Withdrawal section of the screen is for state withdrawals only.

  • Federal. You cannot pay estimated taxes with a direct debit. IRS instructions for Form 1041-ES require estimated tax payments to be made with a check and voucher or through EFTPS. 
  • State. A few states may allow fiduciary estimated tax payments by direct debit. Enter bank, routing and account information in the state e-file/Electronic Funds Withdrawal section of the screen, or select Use account #1 information from the Federal Electronic Funds Withdrawal PMT screen. Confirm a direct debit payment on the state voucher instructions.


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