

Knowledge Base

15032: SSN Ends With a Letter

1040 Individual

What does it mean if a social security number ends with a letter? Can I enter this in Drake Tax? 


The letters at the end of a SSN indicate the claim number for a SSI or Social Security beneficiary. Per the SSA:

  • "If you are an SSI beneficiary, your claim number is your nine-digit Social Security Number (SSN) (000-00-0000) followed by two letters such as EI, DI, DS, DC.
  • If you are a Social Security beneficiary, your claim number is the nine-digit SSN followed by one or more letters such as A, B, C, HA."

These letters are not entered on a tax return and there is no data entry for such values in Drake Tax. 

More information may be found in the SSA Handbook

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