

Knowledge Base

15041: Date Selector or Entry (DAS)


Drake Accounting®: How do I select or enter a date? 


There are three ways to select a date for any Date field in Drake Accounting®. By default, the calendar displays the current month, year, and day in the Date field highlighted. Use one of the following methods to select or enter the appropriate date:

  1. Method 1- Place your cursor in the date field and type in the date starting with the month, date, then year. 
  2. Method 2 - Use this method if you need to select a date that is only a few months earlier or later than the one currently displayed in the Date field.
    • Click the calendar icon to the right of the Date field to open the calendar function.
    • Click the left and right arrows to display the next or previous month. 
    • Once the appropriate month is displayed, click the desired date.
    • The calendar closes and the Date field displays the selected date.
  3. Method 3 - Use this method to select a date that is months or years earlier or later than the date currently displayed in the Date field.
    • Click the calendar header once, for example, “November, 1974.”

    • This will display all months of the selected year. 


    • Click the calendar header a second time (now displaying the selected year - “1974” in the above example) to display all years in the currently selected decade. Click the arrows to display the next or previous decade.


    • Click the calendar header a third time (now displaying the year range of the decade containing the selected year - “1970-1979” in the above example) to display all decades in the current century. Click the arrows to display the next or previous century.

    • From here you can select the century, decade, year, month, then day until you have chosen the appropriate date. After you have made your selection, the calendar will close and the Date field will show the selected date. 

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