

Knowledge Base

15616: 94x - e-File Selection Watermark (DAS)


Drake Accounting®: What is the purpose of the watermark "this form has been selected for e-filing" on 94x forms and can I remove it?


The presence of the watermark on Forms 94x indicates that your client is set up for e-filing. Its purpose is to prevent you from inadvertently paper-filing and e-filing the same document.

 Starting with DAS21, a "Suppress e-File Watermark" option allows you to remove the watermark from the form:

The watermark can be also removed at Client > Edit > e-File Options by clearing the option e-File 94x. Be sure to Save your changes, and then recreate the form. Clearing this option disables e-filing any 94x return for the selected client. If you want to e-file 94x returns in the future for this client, you must select the option again.

As long as the option is not selected, e-filing is disabled for the client's 94x returns, the electronic upload file is not created and the watermark is not produced.

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