

Knowledge Base

16932: 1065 - Section K - Recourse and Non-Recourse Loans

1065 Partnership

How do I get the nonrecourse, qualified nonrecourse, and recourse loans into Section K of a K-1?

Section K of the K-1 is calculated by filling out Schedule L, Line 18 - All Nonrecourse Loans. This is done in data entry of the 1065 return on Screen L - Assets, Liabilities, and Capital. Data from line 18 of Schedule L flows to Part II, line K, of the appropriate Schedule K-1, based on partner ownership percentage. Click on the F1 Field Help inside each field for more information or see IRS 1065 Instructions.


If you would like to have the software allocate on something other than partner percentage, then the SA - Special Allocation links will allow you to do so. See the Related Links below for more information. 

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